Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Issues Statement Condemning Attacks Against The State Of Israel



by paulo eneas
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro published a personal message on social media Wednesday night, May 13, with a statement condemning the rocket attacks against Israeli territory. The message also blames the terrorists, described as militants who control the Gaza Strip, for these attacks and the subsequent reaction by the Israeli defense forces, which has lead to dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries so far.

The Brazilian President’s message is much more assertive, clear and straightforward than the ambiguous statement by the current United States Government, which simply issued a vague and rather redundant statement saying that “Israel has the right to defend itself”, as if the right of any country to defend itself against external aggression was ever in question. President Bolsonaro’s message reads:

– It is absolutely unjustifiable to launch rockets indiscriminately against Israeli territory.

– The offensive provoked by militants who control the Gaza Strip and the Israeli reaction have already left dead and wounded on both sides.

– I express my condolences to the victims’ families and call for an immediate end to all attacks against Israel, expressing my support for ongoing efforts to reduce tension in Gaza.

It should be noted that the Brazilian President calls for an immediate end to all attacks on Israel. The message also supports the ongoing initiatives to restore control of the situation in the Gaza Strip. The president’s message was written in the first person and in a personal character.

To date, the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Chancellor Carlos França, has remained silent about the situation in Israel and has not issued any official statement from the Brazilian Chancellery. Collaboration by Fernanda Moura Andrade.


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